Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Holy Week

Holy Week is a very important time for us to learn about how Jesus spent his last week on earth before he died.
The week started with Palm Sunday when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and people waved palms at him. On Holy Thursday Jesus invited his friends to have a meal with him. It was the Last Supper. The next day, on Good Friday, Jesus died on the cross and was buried in a tomb. What a wonderful surprise his friends got on Easter Sunday when they found that Jesus had risen from the dead.

Can you tell your family the stories of Holy Week when you look at our photos and murals?

Jesus is Alive!- Alleluia!

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Hot Cross Buns

On Tuesday of Holy Week we made Hot Cross Buns. Tracey D'Rose came in to help us. We all kneaded some dough and made a bun. Then we put a cross on the top. The cross on the buns reminds us that Jesus died on the cross on Good Friday. We cooked the buns and ate them. They were delicious! Thank you for helping us Tracey.

Sheridan Swimming Carnival

On Monday 21st of March Room 1 and 2 showed their families what they have been learning in their swimming programme. We had two groups, the Sharks and the Dolphins. We enjoyed showing all the water skills we have learnt and we were very proud of our progress.

Sunday, 20 March 2016

17th March 2016 - Saint Patrick's Day

On the 17th of March we celebrated St Patrick's Day at Good Shepherd School. St Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland. He went to Ireland and taught the people about God. We made green hats and danced to Irish music. Aisling and her mummy made us green cupcakes. We also ate green snake lollies because we found out, so it is said, that St Patrick got rid of all the snakes from Ireland.

Sunday, 13 March 2016

At the Jesus Meal

As part of the our Religious Education programme we have been learning about how Jesus lived as a child in Palestine and comparing it with how we live in Aotearoa-New Zealand. We dressed up in clothes that Jesus would have worn and we ate some of the food that Jesus would have eaten over 2000 years ago.

Playing Soccer

On February 25th we had loads of fun learning games to develop our soccer skills. We had to listen really carefully and follow the instructions.