Saturday 24 September 2016

Cherry Blossom Cup Cakes

To celebrate spring we made cherry blossom cup cakes. We googled lots of photos of cherry blossom. We spread pink icing on our pink cup cakes and then made blossom decorations with little pink and white marshmallows. The best part was when we ate them. They were delicious.

Pumanawa Weaving Group

Room 2 had a weaving group for Pumanawa. Everyone had their own loom and we learnt to weave using different coloured wool. It was tricky to learn the pattern of weaving over and under each thread across the loom. When we had finished we made pompoms to hang from the bottom of our weaving panel. Now they are ready to hang up at home.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Blubber Experiment

In Room 2 we found out that animals in Antarctica, like penguins, have blubber under their skins. Blubber is fat. We did an experiment to see if blubber helps to keep penguins warm. 

What does blubber do?

For the experiment we needed fat, ice, and rubber gloves.

We used vegetable fat inside a glove for one hand and our bare hand in the other glove. We put them both into icy water and waited to see which hand got cold first.

 We all found our hand covered in fat
 did not get cold. We learnt that
 blubber helps Antarctic animals stay
 warm in freezing temperatures.