Saturday, 27 August 2016

Pizza Fractions!

Room 1 and 2 made pizzas together to find out more about fractions. First we all helped to make the pizzas. While they were cooking we had to work out how many pieces or fractions to cut each pizza into so that everyone got an equal share. We made four pizzas so we got into four equal groups. There were eight people in each group so we knew we needed to cut each pizza into eight pieces or eighths. Everyone enjoyed their pizza and we learnt a lot about fractions. 

Sunday, 14 August 2016

St Mary MacKillop Feast Day

On Monday 8th of August it was the feast day of St Mary MacKillop. We went to a liturgy in the hall hosted by R6. We learnt about the life of Mary MacKillop and how she devoted her life to caring for those in need. In Room 2 we learnt about Mary's life and found that she followed in the footsteps of Jesus, just as we try and follow in the footsteps of Jesus the Good Shepherd. Mary MacKillop brought her Sisters to New Zealand to start up schools. Some of her Sisters started Good Shepherd School and our syndicates, Sheridan and Connelly are named after them. We also had lots of fun making Mary MacKillop peg dolls.

Saturday, 6 August 2016

Get, Set, Go!

In term 3 we are very lucky to have Coach Fabian teaching us lots of P.E. skills each week during  Get, Set, Go. 
This week our session was about balancing. Coach Fabian taught us what we need to do to balance.

1. Arms out like an aeroplane
2. Eyes looking straight ahead like an owl
3. Bodies strong like a tree

We played lots of fun games to help us learn to balance.
We are all looking forward to our next lesson.

Taniwha Art

During Maori Language week we read a lot of different    taniwha stories. We looked at the illustrations and drew lots of taniwha with Maori patterns on them. Next we drew our big taniwha with vivid. We coloured the taniwha with crayons and added texture by rubbing patterns onto the background. The last thing we did was dye our taniwha art works black. Please come to R2 to look at our taniwha art.


At the end of Term 2 we learnt about meditation as part of our Religious Education programme. We learnt to close our eyes, sit very still, talk to God in our hearts and listen to his reply. We are going to keep using meditation in our prayers throughout the year. It helps us to get closer to God.

Jack Frost

In the last week of Term 2 the weather became very cold and we had some morning frost. We learnt a poem called Jack Frost and we made our own mean little Jack Frost's! We also decorated biscuits with snow flakes.