Monday, 24 October 2016


Firewise means that we know how to act if there is a fire. One of the most important messages for children is, "Don't play with matches or lighters." We learnt that everyone needs smoke alarms at home and families need to plan in advance for a safe meeting place in case there is a fire. If the smoke alarm goes off we have to Get Down, Get Low, Get Out Fast! 
We made a mural to show what we have to do.

The Annunciation

Our new Religious Education Strand is The Communion of Saints. In Year one we are learning about Mary the Mother of Jesus. Lesson 1 was about the Annunciation, when the Angel Gabriel came to tell Mary that God wanted her to be the mother of his son, Jesus. We acted out the parts with the boys being the Angel Gabriel and the girls being Mary. We learnt a song called Mary said, "Yes" and we also learnt to sing the Hail Mary. 

Get Ready Week

In the first week of Term 4 it was Get Ready Week. We read 'Is That An Earthquake?' for our shared book and learnt about what to do if there was an earthquake.  On Friday the whole school had an earthquake drill so we could practise what we had learnt.