Friday, 17 November 2017

Skylines at Sunset

In Term 4, Room 2 looked at the skylines of buildings from our cultures and created artworks of skyline silhouettes at sunset. Most children chose to create an Auckland skyline with the Sky Tower as a prominent feature. Others chose a Samoan fale with coconut palms. First we dyed our paper with sunset colours. Next we cut out the buildings and trees and glued them onto the paper. When we had finished we talked about each other’s skyline artworks.

Thursday, 9 November 2017

Celebrating Our Cultures

In term 4 we have been finding out all about the different cultures we share from around the world and the way we celebrate special days in our cultures. We started the term by discovering what happens during the Diwali festival. We read stories about Diwali and enjoyed dancing to the Indian music. In week 2 we found out about where our families had come from and marked it on a world map. We coloured in flags and listened to the national anthems from those countries. On Thursday of Week 3, everyone came to school dressed wearing something from their culture. A Chinese dance group came to perform for us and afterwards we had a shared lunch of delicious food from many cultures. In the afternoon we got together with the other Sheridan classes and talked about our cultures. It was a wonderful day.

Spring Celebration

In the last week of term 3 we welcomed  the arrival of spring. We looked at all the blossom in the gardens and on the screen. We read poems about daffodils and what happens in spring. We also decorated pink cupcakes with little marshmallows to celebrate the start of the new season.