Room 2 began at the beginning of Term 2 but we were such a small class we joined Room 1 for most of our learning. Thank you to Miss Cultrera and Room 1 children for welcoming us into your classroom.
We have really enjoyed this busy term and learning alongside one another.
We have really enjoyed this busy term and learning alongside one another.
Life Education Van - 'What keeps us Happy and Healthy?'
Term 2 started with a bang we visited the Life Education Van the very first day of the term and met Hilary and Harold to discuss - "What keeps us happy and healthy". This was our Inquiry topic for Term 2.
Harold told us to eat foods following the colours of a traffic light. The green light are foods that come from the ground so are fruits and vegetables and we should have lots of these everyday. The yellow/amber light are foods that come from animals - foods like milk, meat, cheese, egg and yoghurt. We should eat some of these foods each day. The red light foods are the treats or packet foods - chips, biscuits and muesli bars we should STOP and remember not to eat everyday.
We also learnt there are nine things that keep people 'Happy and Healthy' and these are - eating healthy foods, drinking water, washing our bodies, keeping our body safe with helmets and seatbelts, having shelter, love, sleep, oxygen and exercise.
Football Fun
At the beginning of week 2 we had a Football taster with M Sports. We used their inflatable pitch. It was great to see all the children in Room 1 and 2 having a go, being active and having fun.Learning about the Holy Spirit
We learnt that the Holy Spirit is like the wind - we don't see it but we can feel it. We know that the Holy Spirit is God and it helps us to do the right thing. We thought of ways we could show the Holy Spirit working in ourselves and how we see the Holy Spirit working in others.
We learnt there are 3 persons in God - The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit. We enjoyed using the milk, dish liquid and food colouring experiment during RE to see how this represents the 3 persons in God.

Opera in School
We were very lucky to have an Opera performance in school on May 9th. The Opera was called 'The Elixir of Love'. Room 1 and 2 were delighted watching the show and giggled a lot throughout the performance. It was amazing to see such talent and even Miss O'Neill joined the opera performance.
Preparing for The Ascension of Jesus
Room 1 and 2 listened to and discussed the gospel story The Ascension of Jesus. Ms Scanlan helped the classes put together an art mural to reflect this special learning. The children enjoyed retelling the story in their own words.
Samoan Language week 28th May -1st June
During Samoan language week Room 1 and 2 practised the Samoan Sign of the Cross. We read the Big Book 'lavalava' and learnt the song and poem 'Savalivali'. Our Year 6 Cultural Leaders - Miracle, Bella and Maggie came to visit our class and performed a Samoan dance and song. We learnt the names of fruits and vegetables in the Samoan language which linked well to our Inquiry topic. Did you know the word 'fala' like Mrs Fala's name means pineapple!
Uiti really helped us to pronounce our Samoan words correctly and we really enjoyed celebrating this wonderful culture.
Fa'afetai Lava to Wesley College Samoan group for visiting and performing some beautiful dances.

Cross Country
Term 2 is when the whole school prepares for Cross Country. Room 1 and 2 started running everyday after morning tea to build up our fitness and to learn the special route we had to run.
On June 5th we had our School Cross Country all the children tried really hard and we were very impressed with everyones efforts. It was great to see the children supporting one another and cheering each other on. Thank you to the parents that came to support the children run too.
Our School Production - The Toy Shop on Zip Zap Avenue
A big highlight of Term 2 was preparing and performing in our School Production. Room 1 and 2 became Teddy Bears and danced to The Teddy Bears Picnic song. It was a huge success. There was lots of excitement and we were very proud of our gorgeous Teddy Bears.Book Week
We love books and reading in Room 1 and 2 so we thoroughly enjoyed Book Week. During the week we had time to buddy read with older children and Miss Vergis came and read some of her favourite picture books to us. Our visiting poet, Tamsin Flynn and visiting author, Chris Gurney, gave us lots of entertainment and encouraged us to use our imagination. We loved visiting the library to see what books we could purchase and we were thrilled to finish the week with a Literacy Scavenger Hunt and the Book Character Parade.

Matariki - refers to the 7 stars or cluster of stars that appear in the New Zealand sky from late May to July each year. It is also the celebration of the Maori New Year. Ms Scanlan celebrated this special time with Room 1 and 2 by decorating star cookies and making Matariki star kites. We also read Matariki books and poems. Towards the end of the term we shared a special meal together like the family did in the story Matariki Breakfast.
Scooter Course
We were very lucky to have Scooter Safety in week 9. We practised going around the scooter course that was set up in the school hall. We displayed road awareness and learnt how to use our scooters in a safe way.

Still Life Art and Healthy Eating Flowers
Our Inquiry topic all term has been looking at Healthy Eating and What Keeps Us Happy and Healthy. We used the bright colours of the rainbow to look at all the different kinds of fruits and vegetables we could eat. We know having a variety of fruits and vegetables is a good healthy diet.
Ms Scanlan also introduced Room 1 and 2 to Still Life Art and used the fantastic Art work of Paul Cezanne for inspiration. It took lots of practice to get the shapes of the fruits and vegetables and lots of practice sketching the fruit bowl, vase, flowers and background to make the children's artwork life like. They did an incredible job.
Please come and see the children's final pieces as they are displayed in our cloak room.
Please come and see the children's final pieces as they are displayed in our cloak room.
Our Family - Whanau
In week 10 at Whole School Prayers Room 1 and 2 shared our special Whanau Tree and prayers of thanks for our families. During RE time we had been learning about the different families we belong to and the different roles people play in our families.
Our family, Our School family, Our Church/Parish family and God's family.
Sharing a Healthy meal - Making Soup
During week 10 we read the story Giant Soup. We decided to make our own vegetable soup. The children brought in and peeled carrots, kumara and potatoes in preparation for the soup that we cooked and shared on Wednesday. It was delicious!!!!
What a super way to finish off our Inquiry topic and a great way to share a meal together to acknowledge Matariki.
Fury Friends - Dog Safety
On our last day of the term we had a visit from Fergie the dog and his trainer. We learnt about the safe ways to approach dogs and when it is appropriate to touch and how to touch a dog safely.
What an amazing term of learning and fun!
It has been very busy so I think we deserve a nice relaxing break.
We look forward to welcoming more new children into Room 2 in term 3.
Have a happy and safe holiday and we will see you back on Monday 23rd July.
God Bless :)