On Tuesday it was St Patricks day. We started our day with a special liturgy in the hall organised by our Special Character leaders and Room 5. Rosa and Emma entertained us with some lovely Irish dancing.
Back in Room 1 and 2 we spent the day in our green clothes learning more about St Patrick and how he lived. We listened to Irish music, we tried doing some of our own Irish dancing, we learnt songs in Gaelic with Miss Irish and decorated green cupcakes with Mrs Fala. It was a wonderful day celebrating the Irish culture and learning more about the Patron Saint of Ireland.

Thank you to Patrick's mum Sarah, for coming into school yesterday to talk about our bones and body. We really enjoyed learning more about the different bones and how they all come together to form our skeleton. Earlier in the week we had spent time looking at our major body organs and what they do for our bodies. The children enjoyed using large paper and chalk to draw around each other and place the bones and organs they
Yesterday we had a wonderful time pretending to be friends of Jesus. We dressed up in our tunics, mantles, girdles and sandals. We enjoyed sharing a meal and tasting some food that Jesus would have eaten.