Saturday 29 April 2017

Learning about Holy Week and Easter in Room 2

Palm Sunday is at the beginning of Holy Week. We learnt that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. His followers waved palms as he went past. We acted out the story and made a mural with ourselves waving palms.

On Wednesday we made hot cross buns. We kneaded the dough, put a cross on the top and cooked them. We ate them while they were still hot.

Holy Thursday is the last day of lent. We learnt about what happened at the Last Supper. We made a mural and placed ourselves at the table as Jesus' supper guests.

On Good Friday Jesus died on the cross. He was buried in a tomb and a big stone was rolled across the entrance. When his friends went to visit the tomb on Easter Sunday they found that Jesus had risen from the dead. We made a mural with ourselves as friends of Jesus on Good Friday and on Easter Sunday.


  1. Beautiful drawings from the kids. Luke did say he loved the Easter Buns too.

  2. Eden loves cooking, she really enjoyed this activity! Love all the artworks.
